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Occoquan Battles Over Development

6 February 2012 One Comment

By: Stephanie Tipple

Occoquan officials on Tuesday are expected to weigh their legal options in the fight against a development slated to be built just outside town limits.

Mayor Earnie Porta in an email stated that he, town council members, and legal counsel, will meet behind closed doors at Town Hall to discuss what options, if any, they have when trying to bar a the “Oaks III” office building that will be built alongside a single-family home at the busy intersection of Old Bridge and Tanyard Hill roads.

The closed-door session will take place at a regularly scheduled meeting of the town council.

A majority of Occoquan residents spoke out last month at a Prince William Board of Supervisors meeting against the development, which will be built in Lake Ridge (http://potomaclocal.com/2012/01/11/unpopular-oaks-iii-plan-approved). After listening to their testimony, Prince William officials ultimately voted to rezone the property that Oaks III will be located on, clearing the way for construction.

The property has been cited as a potential flooding and traffic issue for the town, leading to their opposition for the development. Town residents also said the developer failed to meet with them to hear their concerns on how the anticipated increased traffic levels that would be brought by the development would impact their hometown.

Once the closed session is complete Tuesday, Feb. 7, there will be more information about the town of Occoquan and their plans on dealing with Oaks III, said Porta.

Another hot-button issue for the town council will be a watershed study proposal, which would allow the county to evaluate the flooding and water drainage issues occurring in the area. This issue will be discussed during the open session of the public meeting.

Many remember the flooding that took place in Occoquan last year, and this has drawn more effort and attention to solving the flooding issue, with this watershed study becoming one of the first steps toward a resolution.

The Town Council meets at 7 p.m., Tuesday, at 314 Mill Street in Occoquan.

By: Stephanie Tipple

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One Comment »

  • Mr. Roseman said:

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