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Vampires Seen at Blood Drive

4 November 2011 No Comment

By: Stephanie Tipple
Staff Reporter

The Office of Student Activities caused a stir on the Alexandria on campus Monday, Oct. 24 with a blood drive, hot on the heels of Halloween. They co-sponsored this effort with the Inova Blood Donor Services in Bisdorf Building.

While it may seem fitting for a vampire to be drawing the blood around this time of year, experienced Inova staff held appointments for students on campus from 10:45 a.m. through 2:45 p.m.

Those who made it through the screening process to donate blood received a Halloween t-shirt while supplies lasted. The t-shirts were donated by Inova Blood Donor Services and were a fun and seasonally festive way to get students excited about donating blood for a worthy cause.

While these students may not have found their own hot vampire boyfriend at the blood drive, they can be sure to keep an eye out for those dressed like the Cullens for Halloween.

NOVA student Astrid Pimentel gives blood aboard the INOVA Blood Donor Services 'Bloodmobile' during a second Halloween blood drive on Annandale Campus. Photo by Kama Storie.

By: Stephanie Tipple

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