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Falling Up: How to Be on the Upside of Fall Fashion this Season

29 September 2010 No Comment

As a start, I would like to introduce myself to all NOVA Fortnightly readers. I am Stephanie Tipple, a Woodbridge campus freshman pursuing my degree in English. Fashion has always been a passion of mine. So when I saw an announcement that the Fortnightly was hiring, I jumped at the chance to put my fashion expertise and experience to good use helping all Fortnightly readers put their best fashion foot forward.

While the weather is still beach-worthy, autumn is slowly creeping in, and students are trickling back into the busy schedule of classes, clubs, sports and social life. But even with this busy schedule, we can all take quick and easy steps to buy or use items from our closets to push the envelope and showcase the new season’s trends. Try one trend, or try them all, and make sure you’re falling up into high style.

The coat, as always, is a fall staple as well as an outerwear necessity. While many styles and fabrications make the cut, two standout trends are the camel coat and the military-inspired jacket. With the sharp return to minimalism due to a void in the economy and the over excess of recent seasons, we are seeing the camel coat as a go-to piece at all levels of the fashion market. Warm honey tones and caramel hues are best and look good on all skin tones. Such hues also make the piece more versatile. Make sure to go for a tailored fit and to keep the length to below the waist or longer. The U.K.-based brand Topshop had a good showing of the camel coat, with variations in coat styles and lengths, in a reasonable pricing range.

To style a camel coat to perfection, wearing a blazer or a black top underneath creates contrast that screams luxury. Accessories in caramel or similar color palettes also complement nicely, and a cool pair of shades when outdoors is always a must. To get the most out of this type of garment, be sure to buy quality, with a cut and fit that suit you.

The military-inspired look has seen a heavy resurgence in the past few seasons, thanks to its reintroduction by the design house Balmain. The look is street chic cool and is also an easy care, throw-on garment that, when paired with the right ensemble, can make you look like a million bucks. The epaulet details and use of olive and other neutral tones as well as denim has freshened it up for this fall season, and it’s a garment that can transition with your wardrobe for many occasions, from weekend wear to date night. The military jacket is also a highly budget-friendly option, for those who are more worried about spending their hard earned money on tuition versus a new handbag. There were a handful of styles at Macy’s, H&M, and even two fabulous versions at Forever21 for less than $40!

The styling options for this piece are infinite, but keep in mind that necklines and neck details on your inner garment should be kept to a minimum in volume and embellishment as to avoid contrasting with the sleek, streamlined cut of the jacket.

Fun ways to wear the style include adding a ruffled, flirty skirt in a feminine color or floral as a bottom, as well as a statement bangle or cocktail ring that will play off the proportions of the ensemble nicely, without adding too much to the top half of the outfit. A ruffled cargo pant in khaki or olive drab is another, more literal take on the trend and looks great with a bootie heel.

Check back next issue for more styling tips and fashion trends!

By: Stephanie Tipple

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