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Though precautions are beneficial, we must remember that sober victims also exist. Correlation and causation differ greatly; this correlation between the two factors — alcohol consumption and sexual assault — does not mean that one causes the other. Addressing it alongside sexual misconduct without explicitly underscoring this distinction runs the risk of victim-blaming by insinuating that these atrocities would not have happened had they been sober.
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Earlier this term The Cavalier Daily endorsed Tennessee Governor Haslam’s proposal to provide two free years of community college to all high school graduates in the state. Proposals like this however, will be less effective if four-year institutions do not accept most of the credits that students earn during their two years at a community college…
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Hope can be such a powerful source of inspiration. It can push the single mother to balance her full-time job and raise her child while going back to school and obtaining an advanced degree. It can encourage an 18-year-old who dropped out from high school to get his general education development certificate, enroll at a junior college and eventually transfer to a university.