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Poll: Should Professors Pack Heat?

6 February 2012 2 Comments

Delegate Bob Marshall wants to allow Virginia professors to carry handguns in the classroom. What do you think?

The vote in this poll, go to PotomacLocal.com.

By: Uriah Kiser

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  • Brian Curran said:

    I think it’s a bad idea. The only instructor who should have a weapon is a self-defense instructor. Because people everyone elese would challange that if the instructor can carry a gun to class why can’t the student or the Janitor?

  • Tyler said:

    I think its a great idea! People always assume that it will end in come “old west style shoot out.” Well, the problem with that is that Vermont has had something called “Constitutional Carry” (meaning anyone over the age of 18 can carry a gun, so long as they are able to possess one, no felons, mental people, etc) and they have yet to have a single incident.

    Some like to think that schools are ‘safe havens’ where bad things don’t happen, so they don’t need protection. Well, if the TWO VT shootings have taught us anything, its that a gun in the hands of a ‘good guy’ is worth all the cops who are 30 mins.

    After all, when seconds count, the police are only minutes away.

    The permitting process is heavy enough so that anyone over the age of 21 can apply. They then have to go though a stringent background check, as well as sometimes fingerprinting, and have to display competence with a firearm. These people can go just about everywhere else in the state of Virginia barring a few places like Airport Terminals, Courthouses, and Jails. Why can’t they bring their gun to school, that they bring everywhere else (Office buildings, Ruby Tuesdays, Best buy, wal mart, walking the dog, hiking)?

    Because schools are supposed to be safe havens. Bad things dont happen there.

    That kind of thinking is what gets people killed.

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