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Poetry Contest to be Held at Annandale

28 March 2011 No Comment

Besides being the time when spring really busts out all over Northern Virginia, April is also National Poetry Month. In celebration, the Northern Virginia Community College’s Annandale campus library and the NOVA Annandale Writing Center are co-sponsoring a student poetry contest of original works.
Three winners will be selected by a panel of judges from the NOVA community. Winners will be awarded prizes and will be invited to be featured in an afternoon reception in the library on April 12, which will be videotaped and made available for viewing on iTunes. In addition, winners will be given the opportunity to record a podcast of their poems, which will be accessible on the library’s web site and on iTunes.
The reception on April 12 will also include an open mike segment for all interested poets, following the main program featuring the contest winners.
Entry forms and boxes are located on the Annandale campus in four locations: the library CG-300, Writing Center CG-409, English department CN226 or adjunct faculty office CT233. Entry Deadline is April 1. Winners will be notified by April 8 by e-mail or phone.

By: Bill Fleming

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