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Annandale Writing Center Enables Student Success

18 December 2010 2 Comments

By: Eric Sentell

The Annandale Writing Center prides itself on helping students improve their writing and succeed in their courses.

Tutors offer free one-on-one help for every part of the writing process to students working on writing assignments for any course. Tutors assist with brainstorming topics and ideas, pre-writing, outlining essays, developing thesis statements and supporting body paragraphs, essay organization, transitioning, MLA and APA citations, understanding and applying grammar concepts, revising, editing and proofreading strategies. Also, the center helps with writing assignments in all subjects. So whether a paper is for English or nursing, whether a student is just getting started or almost done, the Annandale Writing Center can help improve the paper, a person’s writing abilities and academic success.

Students can schedule a tutoring appointment in advance or simply drop in.

There are multiple ways to make an appointment:

1) Drop by and speak with someone working in the writing center.

2) Call and speak with someone working in the center or leave a voice-mail.

3) E-mail the center and request an appointment for a specific day and time.

If leaving a voicemail or sending an e-mail, include the following information: first and last name, student ID, phone number and the day and time you want the appointment.

If your busy schedule keeps you from making it to the writing center, then take advantage of the Annandale Writing Center’s online tutoring. It accepts and responds to papers through e-mail. Or, if you prefer a more personal response, the center can also give you feedback through an audio recording or tutor you in real-time through web-conferencing software.

To learn more about online tutoring and to download the submission forms, go to nvcc.edu/annandale/lrc/writing/tutoring.

In addition to one-on-one tutoring, the Annandale Writing Center is an excellent place to write. There are 20 computers available for student use and tutors available to answer any questions students have while working on papers. Each computer has self-guided software that students can use to work on grammar and reading skills. Internet access is available for those who are doing research.

In a recent survey of 242 students, 100 percent said they would recommend our writing center to other writers. Ninety-six percent said they learned something during the tutoring session, and 98 percent felt that the tutor was courteous and friendly. According to these students, the Annandale Writing Center helps students learn and improve their writing abilities in a friendly, welcoming environment. So why wouldn’t you visit the writing center?

Each campus writing center offers similar resources and is a similarly invaluable resource for students. Stop by, call, e-mail or visit online in order to learn more about your campus writing center or to schedule an appointment.

Northern Virginia Community College writing centers:

Alexandria: Bisdorf AA 185; 703-845-6363; nvcc.edu/campuses-and-centers/alexandria/campus-resources/academic-support/writing/index.html

Annandale: Godwin CG 409; 703-323-3341; writingAN@nvcc.edu; nvcc.edu/annandale/lrc/writing/index.htm

Loudoun: Reynolds LR 250; 703-450-2511; nvcc.edu/loudoun/english/writingcenter

Manassas: Howsmon 112; 703-257-6699; nvcc.edu/manassas/reading-writing

Medical Education: room 106; 703-822-6569; nvcc.edu/medical/tutoring

Woodbridge: Tutoring Center, room 328; 703-878-5657; nvcc.edu/woodbridge/tutoring-center

Eric Sentell is the supervisor for the Annandale Writing Center. He may be reached at jsentell@nvcc.edu.

By: Contributing Author

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  • a4245142 said:

    I’ve said that least 4245142 times. The problem this like that is they are just too compilcated for the average bird, if you know what I mean

  • vedradijaus said:

    Thanks for sharing such a useful stuff!

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