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NOVA Holds Golf Tourney

28 October 2010 No Comment

Greg Corder - MA

NOVA’s intramural golf tournament, organized by Dr. Muhammed Basit, the Executive Assistant to the Dean of Students at the Annandale campus, took place on Oct. 7 at the Penderbrook Golf Course near Fair Oaks Mall in Fairfax, under the auspices of the NOVA Student Activities Office of Brian Anweiler.

The golf day was a bargain for participants, as it was only $20 to participate, which included the day’s play and a cart and an additional play date at another time.

Thirty students and administrators, including Dr. Basit, took to the links beginning at 1 p.m. in a Best Ball tournament, under warm and breezy skies, in contrast to the previous Thursday when rains had postponed the event.

Foursomes were sent out composed of two teams, with the better score of each team being counted towards the team’s overall course score for the 18 holes.

The rolling course included a large number of lakes, often positioned in front of the green after the tee. The lake monsters collected a large number of irretrievable golf balls during the NOVA teams’ journey through the course.

At times, the sound of golf balls ricocheting through the trees overhead was heard, but no one was apparently hit by any flying golf balls. Playing the course, the NOVA teams were also serenaded by the sound of the overhead jets coming in for a landing at Dulles.

Several foursomes were still out on the course after 7 p.m. as darkness arrived, which caused some to cut short their day by a hole or two as soaring golf balls were hard to track down in the dark. By the time these foursomes had reached the club house, no one was around.

After the day, some of the NOVA players were pleased with their game, while others were wondering why they were playing.

One golfer was heard to remark, “I’ve got to find another hobby.”

By: Arch Scurlock

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