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Marriage Should Be About Family

29 March 2010 No Comment

Since the creation of the world, people have been getting married. Nowadays, humankind still follows this tradition, creating hundreds of new families every day. People interpret the meaning of marriage in different ways, but what is the real one?

The Oxford dictionary defines marriage as a “legal union of a man and a woman.”

Marriage must be wise decision since it happens once and is a life time commitment. In the old times, people married because of their parent’s will. Parents would choose who their children should marry. Fortunately, times have changed. Currently, single people can choose who they want to spend their life with. Everybody gets married for various reasons but the main ones have always been and always will stay unchanged: create a family, share life with a loved one, and begin a new generation.

The great thing about marriage is willing to create a family. In the beginning, God created a man and said that it is not good for a man to stay alone. Then he created Eve to be man’s wife. In current times, people still want someone else in their lives and they seek a second half.

When a decision about having a family is made it brings responsibility, but also joy. People get married to create a family that they will protect, care for and belong to. For those that were orphans or had incomplete families, having a family is like receiving a jewel. They have a whole new life filled with people that they love and are loved by.

Creation of a new family is a beginning of a new journey in life that will bring many expected and unexpected moments. One of the benefits that one has from a family is an oldness acquired from being surrounded by family: wife or husband, children, grandchildren, and even grand grandchildren. If someone decides to live a life without getting married, they will spend the rest of their life in loneliness.

The best thing on earth is to love and be loved in marriage. Out of all of the feelings that a human can have, the strongest one is love. Every person wants to have a friend that will always listen to what is going on in their life, who will always support, protect and stay faithful and trustworthy in every situation.

Marriage is the strongest human union that can ever exist. During the ceremony a man and a woman promise each other to be together in sickness and in health, richness and poverty until death sets them apart. Together they build a new home full of joy, hope, faith and love.

When a husband comes back home from work after having a rough day, he knows that his beloved wife is waiting for him. She will listen, understand and comfort.  He knows that he will get a delicious supper prepared by a woman that he loves the most in his life.

The greatest feeling of all is to know that in a world full of problems, anger, jealousy, greed, and worries somebody is always there to help no matter what. Husband and wife face various problems but because of their strong love, they can conquer all their negative feelings, forgive one another for everything and move on. People get married because they want insurance that someone will live with them and take care of them through life.

People want to get married because they want to have children in a safe and secure family that they take care of. People want to experience the feeling that a human gets when they see their children smile and their wife covers up her worries that might have been bothering her before.

The joy that comes to the heart when a child says the first word or makes the first steps can never be compared to any other feeling.  A family becomes much stronger when children are born but it also brings numerous responsibilities. Parents have to be able to pass on to their children all the wisdom that they have, to raise their children as humans, and teach them as much as possible about good. Children should be able to survive in this world based on everything that they have received from their parents. Parenting is the reason for getting married and a challenge which not everyone can take on.

Based on three simple reasons, creating a family, sharing life with a loved one, and raising a new generation, marriage is the greatest decision that can be made. It can give a a life time of love, passion, faith, hope, trust, joy, and worries.

Because marriage is a “legal union of a man and a woman” it should be kept that way. Many do not realize the blessing it is to have a normal, complete family that consists of a man and a woman and how much they miss out by following their poorly thought out desires.

A family should have two different points of view in order to make right decisions since a man alone or in company with another man can never feel and understand what a woman feels and make a decision that a woman would. There are a lot of different points of view on family today, but most of people want to get married to the opposite sex and live a life full of true joy.

By: Vadym Guliuk

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