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Before Finale, NOVA Idol Singers Share Inspirations, Aspirations

23 March 2010 One Comment

We’ve all seen the hit television series American Idol. Now NOVA has its own iteration of the show, NOVA Idol.

Dozens of students auditioned, performed, and were sent home, until only the finalists remained. At 7 p.m. on March 26 the finals will be held at Schlesinger Hall at the Alexandria campus. Eight students with great talent will compete to hold the title of NOVA Idol, as well as cash prizes for third place, second place and the Idol.

NOVA Idol is an annual competition for area high school and NOVA students.

Below are the interviews of five contestants the Fortnightly was able to catch up with.

Erika Anderson

Erika Anderson has been singing for as long as she can remember. She has always wanted to be a serious musician, and has taken her singing to venues such as the Crystal Cathedral and the D.C. Convention Center. She started her professional career after meeting her manager while working at a deli. She plans on getting her degree in music, with a minor in business, and plans to attend a prestigious school of music, along the lines of Berkeley or the Peabody Institute. Her favorite artists include Billy Holiday and Beyoncè.

Stacy Dumas

Stacy Dumas.

Stacy Dumas.

Stacy Dumas was seven years old when she decided she liked to sing. She loved the movie “Annie”, and wanted to be like her favorite star. Dumas landed her first paying venue at the age of 10, when she auditioned for a dinner theatre, and was accepted. As she grew up, she was always in the chorus at her school. She has been on the road with Uplifting People, a not for profit organization, and has performed in countries like Australia and Mexico. Dumas has also published her own album, called Finally I fly. She likes to listen to Amy Grant, a gospel singer. She has been the music director for many high-school theatre departments.

EJ Jung

EJ Jung first started singing in her elementary school choir at the age of 12. She realized she liked singing, and that she had a knack for it. She has performed in several contests hosted locally by Korean record companies. The first time she entered one of these contests, she received second place, while only 14 years old. She hopes to become a producer one day helping indie bands find their way. She enjoys listening to Ella Fitzgerald.

Terri LaGoe

Terri LaGoe has been singing for 30 years. Her first real experience singing was for the NOVA Community Chorus, which she joined more for a social outlet than a creative one. Soon, she was taking  Class Voice, a vocal class at NOVA, and then eventually enrolled in private lessons. LaGoe has been the soprano section leader for the Washington National Opera Chorus, and often sings at her church, Church on the Hill, in Alexandria. She has performed with the Washington Philharmonic Orchestra, and sang Carmina Burana at the opening of the Schlesinger. She wants everyone to know how much she loves NOVA for it’s great opportunities and excellent teachers.

Ashley Williams

Ashley Williams began her musical career at the age of three. She started singing in church, and eventually joined her school’s chamber choir. Her entire family is very musical, and Williams’s favorite singer is her own mother. She recently tried out for the spring musical at her home school of Potomac Falls, where she also plays the clarinet in the band. She is a member of a professional rhythm and blues band.

By: Chris Pilcher

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One Comment »

  • Learn To Sing said:

    you are striving to sing with the range, rhythm and time that you need and you wish to make impressive improvements within 3 hrs

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